H2O Sprinklers Tells You Everything You Need to Know About Water Conservation in Texas
The Texas Water Development Board has an entire team dedicated to water conservation. By going to their website, you can order a water conservation brochure, know/raise your water IQ, and search for local conservation information by zip code. They take pride in providing Texans services to establish effective water conservation programs. Basically, the Water Conservation Advisory Council’s mission is to establish continuing development of water conservation resources. Contact us today for all of your water conservation needs, no matter where you live in DFW.
So what do you really need to know about water conservation?
Irving Water Conservation Reminder: Twice a week watering in effect
Dallas Water Conservation Reminder: Twice a week watering in effect
- Maximum twice-weekly watering allowed according to address.
- Don’t water your yard between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. between April 1 and October 31.
- Hand water or use a soaker hose. Both are permitted on any day.
- Maintain your sprinkler system. Repair any broken, missing or misdirected sprinkler heads.
- Automatic sprinkler system owners are required to have rain and freeze sensors installed.
- Don’t water during any form of precipitation.
- Do not allow your sprinkler system to water driveways, sidewalks and streets.
- Prevent water waste by allowing runoff onto a street or other drainage area when you’re watering.
Violations of these outdoor water guidelines can result in fines of $250 to $2,000 per incident in Dallas, Texas. First offenses will be issued a warning.
However, if you live in Grand Prairie, South Lake, Grapevine, or any other Dallas area city and you aren’t sure what your water conservation guidelines are, give us a call and we can help you out.
Being Water Smart Outdoors:
Many Texas water utilities charge higher rates during the summer months or increase rates based on use. Reducing your outdoor water use by following these steps can produce big savings on your water bill.
- Determine how much water you actually need to keep your yard healthy
- Use water-wise landscaping methods like proper mowing, mulching, moderate fertilizing, and a drip irrigation system
- Design a water-wise landscape by planting drought-tolerant grass and choosing plants that are native or well adapted to the Texas climate
Let us help you determine how much water is the right amount for your yard. So, if you would like automated recommendations to find out how to save water and keep your yard healthy visit Water My Yard.
Common Questions
What time of day should I water? Water during the early morning or in the evening. Do not water on windy days.
What causes brown patch fungus? Overwatering and high fertility
How often should I water? Proper watering every five days or longer will help grass and shrubs develop deep roots. Starting this process in the Spring is key since root growth is at its peak. For more, check out Water Is Awesome to find out more about your recommended watering amount.
How can I use rainwater? Harvest it! Funnel the water from your gutters into a rain barrel and save it for a rainy day. Find out more about Rainwater Harvesting. Harvesting Rainwater can save you money on your bill, prevent floods, and protect the environment. Find out more:
Why Conserve Water? According to the Texas State Water Plan, Texas’ existing water sources will meet only 75% of the projected water demand by 2050. So, it’s important to use our precious water resources more efficiently or we will have more frequent and more severe water shortages, especially during droughts and hot Texas summers. Especially when water use is 1.5 to 3 times greater than winter use. Astonishingly, in the summer, outdoor water use can account for 50 to 80 percent of home water use! Furthermore, much of this water is wasted through inefficient landscape watering practices. Therefore, using water more efficiently will also save energy and money, and protect the quality of life of future generations. Most importantly, we must be responsible and conserve water now!